from:  29.55

Puppy Food Wolfberry Well-Being Regular Size

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Ayam segar, tanpa tulang, dan tanpa lemak dengan protein yang tinggi, membantu mendukung pertumbuhan otot dan menjaga berat badan ideal.

Ayam segar & Teh hijau

Teh hijau adalah salah satu daun yang paling sehat di dunia, penuh dengan nutrisi penting dan antioksidan. Membantu menghilangkan bakteri berbahaya di mulut, memperbaiki kebersihan gigi dan memberikan nafas segar.

Wolfberry atau dikenal sebagai gojiberry, mengandung vitamin, mineral, dan antioksidan membantu meningkatkan sistem imunitas tubuh.

Kandungan penting lainnya adalah yam dan kulit jeruk. Yam adalah sumber vitamin C dan mineral yang baik, membantu sistem pencernaan dan membangun tubuh yang kuat. Kulit jeruk kering juga memberikan banyak manfaat kesehatan seperti : meningkatkan pencernaan, menjaga kesehatan pernafasan, dan menjaga kulit untuk tetap lembut

Kombinasi holistik dari daging segar dengan herbal, sayuran, dan buah yang diseleksi secara ketat. Produk tinggi gizi dan lezat yang mencukupi kebutuhan nutrisi alami untuk anjing Anda.

2 kg / 12 kg

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Daging Ayam Segar Tanpa Tulang
Tanpa tulang, organ dalam, dan kulit. Protein yang mudah dicerna.
Green Tea
Helps remove harmful bacteria In the mouth, improving oral hygiene and leading to fresher breath.
goji berries
Powerful antioxidant. Supports the immune system.


Important source of vitamine C. Contains plant juice that protects the digestive system, supports digestion.

tangerine peel
Contains natural limonoids.
Grain free Cat food for sterilized cat




  • No Added Artificial Colours
  • No Added Artificial Preservatives
  • No Added Artificial Flavours


Recommended daily feed quantity is intended as a reference value. Serve based on the pet's condition and activity level.


This product provides complete and balanced nutrition for your pet. No additional grants are needed. The ideal amount of feed will vary depending on the pet's health, age, activity level, season and surroundings. Fresh water must always be available to the pet.


Store in a cool, dry place. Close the seal after use to ensure that the food stays fresh and to preserve the taste. If you are unsure of the quality of the product, do not give it to your pet. Return the product to the retailer for a full refund or replacement product. This product is made from natural ingredients, the color may vary slightly.


To ensure a smooth transition to the new feed, Vigor & Sage, mix the new with the old feed. Increase the amount gradually through 7 days until only the new feed is eaten.

Daging kalkun segar tanpa tulang (26.0%), daging kalkun kering (11.0%), ubi, kentang, kacang polong, lemak ayam, minyak salmon, flaxseed, teh hijau (0.4%), daging buah bit (kadar gula diturunkan), ragi, lotus leaf (0.14%), hawthorn (0.14%), cassia seed (0.14%), wortel, pisang, lemon, seledri, cranberry, lemon, fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), yucca, glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate.

Analytical constituents

Protein 24.0%, lemak 10.0%, abu 5.9%, serat 7.5%, kadar air 8.0%, fosfor 0.7%, kalsium 0.8%.

Kandungan Nutrisi Tambahan (per kg)
Vitamin A: 18,000 IU, Vitamin D3: 1,800 IU, Vitamin E: 500 IU (natural antioxidants), copper (cupric sulphate, pentahydrate) 10 mg, copper (cupric chelate of glycine hydrate) 5 mg, iron (ferrous sulphate, monohydrate) 70 mg, iron (ferrous chelate of glycine hydrate) 35 mg, manganese (manganous oxide) 50 mg, manganese (manganese chelate of glycine hydrate) 25 mg, Zinc (zinc sulphate, monohydrate) 100 mg, zinc (zinc chelate of glycine hydrate) 50 mg, iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous) 2 mg, selenium (sodium selenite) 0.1 mg.



Wolfberry Well-Being – Chiot Taille Standard

from:  29.55

Le poulet maigre frais et désossé est riche en protéines, stimule le développement de la musculation et aide à conserver un poids de forme.

Poulet Frais & Thé Vert

Le thé vert est une des feuilles les plus saines de la planète qui contient des nutriments importants et des antioxydants. Il est scientifiquement prouvé que le thé vert augmente le brûlage de la graisse et stimule la performance. Il élimine également les bactéries nocives dans la gueule et améliore l’hygiène dentaire en offrant une meilleure haleine.

La baie de goji contient des vitamines naturelles, des minéraux et des antioxydants. La baie de goji stimule et renforce le système immunitaire, réduit le cholestérol, améliore la vision et contribue à un bien-être général.

Les autres ingrédients importants sont la patate douce et la peau de tangerine. La patate douce est une formidable source de vitamines C et de minéraux. Elle facilite la digestion et favorise le développement d’un corps plus puissant. Tandis que la peau de tangerine offre une myriade de bénéfices pour la santé : elle améliore la digestion, maintient un bien-être du système respiratoire et garde la peau douce et saine.

Notre combinaison spécialement étudiée, de viande fraîche et de fruits soigneusement sélectionnés, de légumes et d’herbes offre une alimentation hautement nutritionnelle et goûteuse qui répond aux besoins naturels quotidiens de votre chien.

2 kg / 12 kg


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fresh boneless chicken
Without bones, tistestines or skin. Easily digestible proteins.
Green Tea
Helps remove harmful bacteria In the mouth, improving oral hygiene and leading to fresher breath.
goji berries
Powerful antioxidant. Supports the immune system.


Important source of vitamine C. Contains plant juice that protects the digestive system, supports digestion.

tangerine peel
Contains natural limonoids.
Grain free Cat food for sterilized cat




  • No Added Artificial Colours
  • No Added Artificial Preservatives
  • No Added Artificial Flavours


Âge (en mois) Poids du chien (grammes/ jour)
2kg 5kg 10kg 15kg 20kg 25kg 30kg 40kg 50kg
3 50 100 150 190 225 235 240 275 350
4 55 120 185 235 290 315 340 415 490
5 55 120 190 240 300 335 400 495 580
6 50 120 190 240 305 360 450 656 670
8 40 100 150 310 265 320 425 530 660
10 40 85 135 175 220 260 360 460 590
12 Passage aux aliments pour chien adulte 210 255 325 405 480
14 Passage aux aliments pour chien adulte 320 400 460
15 320 400 460
Gestation en semaines Poids du chien adulte (grammes/ jour)
2kg 5kg 10kg 15kg 20kg 25kg 30kg 40kg 50kg
6 50 100 185 245 305 330 365 455 540
7 55 110 200 270 330 360 400 495 585
8 60 120 215 290 360 390 430 535 635
9 65 130 235 315 385 420 465 575 680
Lactation Ad lib
Recommended daily feed quantity is intended as a reference value. Serve based on the pet's condition and activity level.


This product provides complete and balanced nutrition for your pet. No additional grants are needed. The ideal amount of feed will vary depending on the pet's health, age, activity level, season and surroundings. Fresh water must always be available to the pet.


Store in a cool, dry place. Close the seal after use to ensure that the food stays fresh and to preserve the taste. If you are unsure of the quality of the product, do not give it to your pet. Return the product to the retailer for a full refund or replacement product. This product is made from natural ingredients, the color may vary slightly.


To ensure a smooth transition to the new feed, Vigor & Sage, mix the new with the old feed. Increase the amount gradually through 7 days until only the new feed is eaten.

Chair fraîche de poulet (26.0%), poulet déshydraté (14.0%), patate douce, pomme de terre, pois, graisse de poulet, huile de saumon, graine de lin, thé vert (0.4%), pulpe de betterave, levure de bière, baie de goji (0.14%), peau de tangerine (0.14%), patate douce (0.14%), carotte, prune, pomme, banane, kiwi, Fructo-Oligo-Saccharides (FOS), yucca, glucosamine, sulfate de chondroïtine.

Analytical constituents

Protéine crue 30.0%, graisse crue 16.0%, cendre crue 8.3%, fibre crue 5.0%, phosphore 1.0%, calcium 1.3%.

Additifs Nutritionnels (par kg):
Vitamine A: 10000 UI, vitamine D3: 1000 UI, vitamine E: 90 UI (antioxydants naturels), cuivre (sulfate de cuivre, pentahydrate) 8mg, fer (sulfate de fer, monohydrate) 80mg, manganèse (oxyde de manganèse) 35mg, zinc (oxyde de zinc) 100mg, iode (calcium iodate, anhydre) 2mg, sélénium (sélénite de sodium) 0.1mg.

