from:  8.71

Hairball Control Cat Food Adult Cat

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Kalkun segar, tanpa tulang, tanpa lemak, rendah kalori, membantu membentuk otot dan tulang.

Rumput laut sering disebut sebagai “super food” karena mengandung vitamin dan mineral yang tidak dimiliki oleh makanan lain seperti vitamin K, iodin,

kalsium, dan zat besi. Membantu meningkatkan kesehatan kulit, meningkatkan penglihatan dan mencegah alergi serta infeksi.

Cat Food from Vigor & Sage. High Quality, natural and healthy Cat Food

Daging Kalkun Segar & Rumput Laut

Ketika diberi kesempatan, kucing suka makan rumput. Itu adalah sifat dasarnya. Oatgrass sangat baik untuk menjaga pencernaan yang sehat, membantu mengeluarkan bola rambut melalui sistem pencernaan kucing. Ini juga merupakan sumber serat yang baik dan kaya klorofil (penyegar nafas alami).

Bahan penting lainnya termasuk plantago seed dan codonopsis root. Plantago seed penuh dengan lendir, yang sangat bermanfaat untuk proses transit makanan di usus. Sementara akar codonopsis membantu meningkatkan sistem kekebalan dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidup kucing.

Kombinasi holistik dari daging segar dengan herbal, sayuran, dan buah yang diseleksi secara ketat. Produk tinggi gizi dan lezat yang mencukupi kebutuhan nutrisi alami untuk kucing Anda.

400g / 2 kg


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fresh boneless turkey meat
Without bones, bowels or leather. High protein and low fat, for a slim and healthy body.
Contains essential amino acids that help to nourish the skin.
Helps hairballs to pass through the digestive system.
Plantago Seed
Contains psyllium (form of fibre) and contributes to an enhanced conversion of energy in the gastrointestinal tract.
Helps to protect the lining of the digestive tract. Supports the immune system.
Grain free Cat food for sterilized cat




  • No Added Artificial Colours
  • No Added Artificial Preservatives
  • No Added Artificial Flavours


Recommended daily feed quantity is intended as a reference value. Serve based on the pet's condition and activity level.


This product provides complete and balanced nutrition for your pet. No additional grants are needed. The ideal amount of feed will vary depending on the pet's health, age, activity level, season and surroundings. Fresh water must always be available to the pet.


Store in a cool, dry place. Close the seal after use to ensure that the food stays fresh and to preserve the taste. If you are unsure of the quality of the product, do not give it to your pet. Return the product to the retailer for a full refund or replacement product. This product is made from natural ingredients, the color may vary slightly.


To ensure a smooth transition to the new feed, Vigor & Sage, mix the new with the old feed. Increase the amount gradually through 7 days until only the new feed is eaten.

Daging kalkun segar bagian otot (26.0%), daging kalkun kering (22.0%), kentang, kacang polong, lemak ayam, minyak salmon, flaxseed, rumput laut (0.4%), daging buah bit (kadar gula diturunkan), ragi, oatgrass (0.14%), plantago seed (0.14%). Conodopsis root (0.14%), wortel, seledri, tomat, cranberry, pisang, fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), yucca.

Analytical constituents

Protein 30%, lemak 14%, abu 7.6%, serat 8%, kadar air 8%, fosfor 1.0%, kalsium 1.4%, taurine 0.12%.

Kandungan Nutrisi Tambahan
Vitamin A: 18,000 IU, Vitamin D3: 1,800 IU, Vitamin E: 300 IU (antioksidan alami), Copper (Cupric sulphate, pentahydrate) 3.5 mg, copper (cupric chelate of glycine hydrate) 1.5 mg, iron (ferrous sulphate, monohydrate) 50 mg, iron (ferrous chelate of glycine hydrate) 25 mg, manganese (manganous oxide) 20 mg, manganese (manganese chelate of glycine hydrate) 10 mg, zinc (zinc sulphate, monohydrate) 45 mg, zinc (zinc chelate of glycine hydrate) 20 mg, iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous) 1.5 mg, taurine 1,000 mg.



Oatgrass Hairball Control – Chat Adulte

from:  8.71

La dinde fraîche et désossée est riche en protéines, pauvre en calories, stimule le développement de la musculation et aide à avoir des os sains.

Cat Food from Vigor & Sage. High Quality, natural and healthy Cat Food

Dinde Fraîche & Algues Marines

L’algue marine est souvent considérée comme un super aliment, car elle contient des vitamines importantes et des minéraux que presque aucun

autre aliment ne possède. En particulier la vitamine K, l’iode, le calcium et le fer. Les bénéfices sont presque trop nombreux pour être tous cités : peau plus saine, amélioration de la vision, pression sanguine plus basse, mais aussi prévention des allergies et des infections.

Quand ils en ont l’occasion, les chats adorent manger de l’herbe. C’est dans leur nature. Le fromental ou avoine élevée est excellent pour une digestion saine et aide à évacuer les boules de poils des chats de leur système digestif. Elle est aussi une bonne source de fibres et est riche en chlorophylle (qui rafraîchit naturellement l’haleine).

Les autres ingrédients importants sont la graine de psyllium et la racine de codonopsis. La graine de psyllium regorge de mucilage qui est très bénéfique au transit intestinal. Tandis que la racine de codonopsis renforce le système immunitaire et aide à procurer un sentiment de bien-être véritable.

Notre combinaison spécialement étudiée, de viande fraîche et de fruits soigneusement sélectionnés, de légumes et d’herbes offre une alimentation hautement nutritionnelle et goûteuse qui répond aux besoins naturels quotidiens de votre chat.

400g / 2 kg



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Chair de Dinde Fraîche
Sans os, viscère ou peau. Riche en protéine, pauvre en graisse, pour une forme idéale.
Contains essential amino acids that help to nourish the skin.
Helps hairballs to pass through the digestive system.
Plantago Seed
Contains psyllium (form of fibre) and contributes to an enhanced conversion of energy in the gastrointestinal tract.
Helps to protect the lining of the digestive tract. Supports the immune system.
Grain free Cat food for sterilized cat




  • No Added Artificial Colours
  • No Added Artificial Preservatives
  • No Added Artificial Flavours


Recommended daily feed quantity is intended as a reference value. Serve based on the pet's condition and activity level.


This product provides complete and balanced nutrition for your pet. No additional grants are needed. The ideal amount of feed will vary depending on the pet's health, age, activity level, season and surroundings. Fresh water must always be available to the pet.


Store in a cool, dry place. Close the seal after use to ensure that the food stays fresh and to preserve the taste. If you are unsure of the quality of the product, do not give it to your pet. Return the product to the retailer for a full refund or replacement product. This product is made from natural ingredients, the color may vary slightly.


To ensure a smooth transition to the new feed, Vigor & Sage, mix the new with the old feed. Increase the amount gradually through 7 days until only the new feed is eaten.

Chair fraîche de dinde (26.0%), dinde déshydratée (22.0%), pomme de terre, pois, graisse de poulet, huile de saumon, graine de lin, algue (0.4%), pulpe de betterave, levure de bière, fromental (0.14%), graine de psyllium (0.14%), racine de codonopsis (0.14%), carotte, céleri, tomate, canneberge, banane, Fructo-Oligo-Saccharides (FOS), yucca.

Analytical constituents

Protéine crue 30.0%, graisse crue 14.0%, cendre crue 7.6%, fibre crue 8.0%, phosphore 1.0%, calcium 1.4%, taurine 0.12%.

Additifs Nutritionnels (par kg):
Vitamine A: 10000 UI, vitamine D3: 1000 UI, vitamine E: 70 UI (antioxydants naturels), cuivre (sulfate de cuivre, pentahydrate) 5mg, fer (sulfate de fer, monohydrate) 40mg, manganèse (oxyde de manganèse) 50mg, zinc (oxyde de zinc) 65mg, iode (calcium iodate, anhydre) 1.5mg, sélénium (sélénite de sodium) 0.1mg, taurine 1000mg.



Райграс для контроля выведения комочков шерсти – Взрослые кошки

from:  8.71

Свежая, постная индейка без костей богата белком, низкокалорийна, стимулирует мышечный рост и поддерживает здоровье костей.

Cat Food from Vigor & Sage. High Quality, natural and healthy Cat Food

Свежая индейка и морские водоросли

Морские водоросли часто рассматривается как “супер питание”, поскольку они содержат важные витамины и минералы, которых не найти ни в одном другом растении: Витамин К, йод, кальций и железо. Множество полезных свойств: оздоровление кожи, улучшение зрения, снижение кровяного давление, предотвращение аллергий и инфекций.

Райграс благоприятно влияет на пищеварение, помогая выводить комочки шерсти из системы ЖКТ. Так же это отличный источник клетчатки, который богат хлорофиллом (натуральный освежителем дыхания).

Другие важные компоненты питания – семена подорожника и корень Кодонопсиса. Семена подорожника полны мусиляжа – растительного вещества, которое улучшает процесс пищеварения. Корень Кодонопсиса стимулирует иммунную систему и обеспечивает хорошее самочувствие животного.

Наш целостный подход к оптимальному сочетанию свежего мяса и тщательно отобранных фруктов, овощей и трав обеспечивает высокое содержание питательных веществ и вкусовых качеств, которые необходимы для удовлетворения ежедневных естественных пищевых потребностей вашей кошки.

400 граммов, 2кг



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Свежее мускульное мясо индейки

Без костей, внутренностей или кожи. С высоким содержанием белка, низким содержанием жира, для идеальной физической формы.
Contains essential amino acids that help to nourish the skin.
Helps hairballs to pass through the digestive system.
Plantago Seed
Contains psyllium (form of fibre) and contributes to an enhanced conversion of energy in the gastrointestinal tract.
Helps to protect the lining of the digestive tract. Supports the immune system.
Grain free Cat food for sterilized cat




  • No Added Artificial Colours
  • No Added Artificial Preservatives
  • No Added Artificial Flavours


Recommended daily feed quantity is intended as a reference value. Serve based on the pet's condition and activity level.


This product provides complete and balanced nutrition for your pet. No additional grants are needed. The ideal amount of feed will vary depending on the pet's health, age, activity level, season and surroundings. Fresh water must always be available to the pet.


Store in a cool, dry place. Close the seal after use to ensure that the food stays fresh and to preserve the taste. If you are unsure of the quality of the product, do not give it to your pet. Return the product to the retailer for a full refund or replacement product. This product is made from natural ingredients, the color may vary slightly.


To ensure a smooth transition to the new feed, Vigor & Sage, mix the new with the old feed. Increase the amount gradually through 7 days until only the new feed is eaten.

Свежее мускульное мясо индейки (26,0%), сушеное мясо индейки (22,0%), картофель, горох, куриный жир, масло лосося, семена льна, морские водоросли (0,4%), свекловичный жом, пекарские дрожжи, райграс (0,14%), семена подорожника (0,14%), корень кодонопсиса (0,14%), морковь, сельдерей, томат, клюква, банан, фруктоолигосахариды (ФОС), юкка.

Analytical constituents

Белок 30,0%, жир 14,0%, зола 7,6% (в том числе кальций 1,4%, фосфор 1,0%, магний 0,03%), клетчатка 8,0%, влага 8.0%, таурин 0,12%.

Добавки (на кг):
Витамин A 18000 МЕ, витамин D3 1800 МЕ, витамин E 300 МЕ (натуральный антиоксидант), медь (сульфат меди, пентагидрат) 3.5 мг, медь (глицинат меди) 1.5мг, железо (сульфат железа, моногидрат) 50 мг, железо (глицинат железа) 25мг, марганец (оксид марганца) 20 мг, марганец (глицинат марганца) 10мг, цинк (оксид цинка) 45 мг, цинк (глицинат цинка) 20мг, йод (йодат кальция, безводный) 1,5 мг, селен (селенит натрия) 0,1 мг, таурин 1000мг.



Oatgrass Hairball Control – Ausgewachsene Katzen

from:  8.71

Mageres Putenfleisch enthält hochwertiges Protein, das die Muskelbildung anregt und dabei hilft, dass Ihre Katze sein optimales Körpergewicht hält.

Cat Food from Vigor & Sage. High Quality, natural and healthy Cat Food

Pute & Algen

Algen enthalten einen hohen Anteil an wichtigen Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen, insbesondere Vitamin K sowie Jod, Kalzium und Eisen. Unter anderem

sorgen Algen für eine intakte Haut, ein besseres Sehvermögen und regulieren den Blutdruck. Zudem unterstützen sie den Organismus bei fütterungsbedingten Allergien und stärken die Abwehrkräfte.

Katzen fressen gerne Gras, das ihnen dabei hilft, Haarballen auszuscheiden. Diese Aufgabe übernimmt der enthaltene Goldhafer, der das Verdauungssystem effektiv unterstützt. Zudem ist er reich an Ballaststoffen und Chlorophyll (ein natürlicher Stoff, der für frischen Atem sorgt).

Flohsamen enthält wertvolle Schleimstoffe, die den Transport der Nahrung durch den Darm fördern. Die Codonopsis-Wurzel stärkt das Immunsystem und unterstützt das allgemeine Wohlbefinden Ihrer Katze.

Unsere ausgewogene, ganzheitliche Kombination aus hochwertigem Putenleisch sowie sorgfältig ausgewählten Früchten, Gemüse und Kräutern bietet Ihrer Katze ein nahrhaftes und schmackhaftes Futter, das den natürlichen, täglichen Ernährungsbedarf Ihrer Katze optimal deckt.

400g / 2 kg



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Ohne Knochen, Innereien oder Hautbestandteile; mit leicht verdaulichem Protein.
Contains essential amino acids that help to nourish the skin.
Helps hairballs to pass through the digestive system.
Plantago Seed
Contains psyllium (form of fibre) and contributes to an enhanced conversion of energy in the gastrointestinal tract.
Helps to protect the lining of the digestive tract. Supports the immune system.
Grain free Cat food for sterilized cat




  • No Added Artificial Colours
  • No Added Artificial Preservatives
  • No Added Artificial Flavours


Recommended daily feed quantity is intended as a reference value. Serve based on the pet's condition and activity level.


This product provides complete and balanced nutrition for your pet. No additional grants are needed. The ideal amount of feed will vary depending on the pet's health, age, activity level, season and surroundings. Fresh water must always be available to the pet.


Store in a cool, dry place. Close the seal after use to ensure that the food stays fresh and to preserve the taste. If you are unsure of the quality of the product, do not give it to your pet. Return the product to the retailer for a full refund or replacement product. This product is made from natural ingredients, the color may vary slightly.


To ensure a smooth transition to the new feed, Vigor & Sage, mix the new with the old feed. Increase the amount gradually through 7 days until only the new feed is eaten.

Frisches Truthahnmuskelfleisch (26,0%), getrockneter Truthahn (22,0%), getrocknete Kartoffel, getrocknete Erbsen, Hühnerfett, Lachsöl, Leinsamen, Seealgen (0,4%), getrocknete Rübenschnitzel (entzuckert), Bierhefe, Hafergras (0,14%), Plantago-Samen (0,14%), Codonopsiswurzel (0,14%), getrocknete Karotte, getrockneter Sellerie, getrocknete Tomate, Preiselbeere, getrocknete Banane, Fructo-Oligosaccharide (FOS), Yucca.

Analytical constituents

Rohprotein 30,0%, Fettgehalt 14,0%, Rohasche 7,6%, Rohfaser 8,0%, Feuchtigkeit 8,0%, Phosphor 1,0%, Calcium 1,4%, Taurin 0,12%.

Zusatzstoffe, Ernährungsphysiologische Zusatzstoffe (pro kg)
Vitamin A: 18.000 IE, Vitamin D3: 1.800 IE, Vitamin E: 300 IE (natürliche Antioxidantien), Kupfer (Kupfer(II)-sulfat, Pentahydrat) 3.5 mg, Kupfer (Glycin-Kupferchelat-Hydrat) 1,5 mg, Eisen (Eisen(II)-sulfat, Monohydrat) 50 mg, Eisen (Glycin-Eisenchelat-Hydrat) 25 mg, Mangan (Mangan(II)-oxid) 20 mg, Mangan (Glycin-Manganchelat-Hydrat) 10 mg, Zink (Zinksulfat, Monohydrat) 45 mg, Zink (Glycin-Zinkchelat-Hydrat) 20 mg, Jod (Kalziumjodat, wasserfrei) 1,5 mg, Taurin 1.000 mg.

