from: € 29.00
Senior Dog Food Astragalus Well-Being
Kalkun segar, tanpa tulang, tanpa lemak, rendah kalori, membantu membentuk otot dan tulang.
Kalkun Segar & Teh Hijau
Teh hijau adalah salah satu daun yang paling sehat di dunia, penuh dengan nutrisi penting dan antioksidan. Membantu menghilangkan bakteri berbahaya di mulut, memperbaiki kebersihan gigi dan memberikan nafas segar.
Astragulas telah terbukti mengurangi resiko penyakit pernapasan umum dan meningkatkan aktivitas sistem kekebalan tubuh secara umum.
Bahan penting lainnya termasuk akar hawthorn dan licorice. Hawthorn sering disebut “jantung herbal” karena memiliki berbagai kemampuan untuk melindungi kardio. Berfungsi untuk mengangkat dan memperkuat jantung, berry hawthorn telah digunakan selama berabad-abad sebagai obat alami untuk semua jenis masalah jantung yang serius. Sementara akar licorice digunakan untuk menenangkan perut, membersihkan sistem pernapasan, mengurangi stres dan melindungi kulit dan gigi.
Kombinasi holistik dari daging segar dengan herbal, sayuran, dan buah yang diseleksi secara ketat. Produk tinggi gizi dan lezat yang mencukupi kebutuhan nutrisi alami untuk anjing Anda.
2 kg / 12 kg
Daging Kalkun Segar
Tanpa tulang, jeroan, dan kulit. Tinggi protein, rendah lemak, baik untuk postur tubuh.Green Tea
Helps remove harmful bacteria In the mouth, improving oral hygiene and leading to fresher breath.ASTRAGALUS
Helps strengthen the immune system. Supports cardiac function.HAWTHORN
Supports cardiac function. Helps to stimulate blood circulation.licorice
Contains glycyrrhizine, flavonoids and coumarins.0%PROTEIN FROM GRAINS
- No Added Artificial Colours
- No Added Artificial Preservatives
- No Added Artificial Flavours
This product provides complete and balanced nutrition for your pet. No additional grants are needed. The ideal amount of feed will vary depending on the pet's health, age, activity level, season and surroundings. Fresh water must always be available to the pet.STORAGE
Store in a cool, dry place. Close the seal after use to ensure that the food stays fresh and to preserve the taste. If you are unsure of the quality of the product, do not give it to your pet. Return the product to the retailer for a full refund or replacement product. This product is made from natural ingredients, the color may vary slightly.RECOMMENDED METHOD OF TRANSITION BEETWEEN FOODS
To ensure a smooth transition to the new feed, Vigor & Sage, mix the new with the old feed. Increase the amount gradually through 7 days until only the new feed is eaten.Composition | Daging kalkun tanpa tulang (26.0%), daging kalkun kering (14.0%), kacang polong, kentang, ubi, flaxseed, minyak salmon, lemak ayam, rumput alfalfa, teh hijau (0.4%),ragi, mineral, astragalus (0.14%), hawthorn (0.14%), licorice (0.14%), wortel, plum, tomat, pisang, cranberry, fucto-oligosaccharides (FOS), glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate, yucca. |
Analytical constituents | Protein 28.0%, lemak 10.0%, abu 7.0%, serat 5%, kadar air 8.0%, fosfor 0.8%, kalsium 1.3%. Kandungan Nutrisi Tambahan |
Sizes |
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