from: € 8.71
Cat Food Improving The Skin and Fur Lily Root Beauty
Daging salmon segar adalah salah satu makanan tersehat di dunia karena mengandung 13 vitamin dan mineral serta omega-3. Manfaatnya antara lain membantu menurunkan tekanan darah, membantu menurunkan kolesterol, dan memperbaiki kulit dan bulu.
Daging Salmon Segar & Rumput Laut
Fresh salmon meat is one of the world’s healthiest foods. It contains 13 important vitamins and minerals as well as Omega-3. Benefits include helping to lower blood pressure, helping to lower cholesterol and improving the skin and fur.
Seaweed is often seen as a super food because it contains important vitamins and minerals that almost no other food has. Especially vitamin k, iodine, calcium and iron. Helping to create healthier skin, improve eyesight, and prevent allergies and infections.
Other important ingredients include the coix seed and angelica root. The coix seed oil specifically helps nourish the hair follicles, but also includes essential fatty acids with some antiviral effects. While angelica root helps maintain healthy skin, aids digestion and supports skin cell metabolism.
Lily root is an excellent source of vitamins, which help take care of the skin for shiny, healthy and beautiful fur.
Our holistic combination of fresh meat with carefully selected herbs, vegetables and fruits provides a highly nutritional and tasty food that follows your cat’s natural daily dietary needs.
400g / 2kg / 4kg / 10kg

fresh salmon
Without guts. Rich in Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids.
Contains essential amino acids that help to nourish the skin.
A rich source of vitamins.
Helps nourish the hair follicles. Contains essential fatty acids. Suppors the immune system.

Helps maintain healthy skin. Supports skin cell energy conversion.
- No Synthetic Colours
- No Synthetic Preservatives
- No Synthetic Flavours
This product provides complete and balanced nutrition for your pet. No additional grants are needed. The ideal amount of feed will vary depending on the pet's health, age, activity level, season and surroundings. Fresh water must always be available to the pet.STORAGE
Store in a cool, dry place. Close the seal after use to ensure that the food stays fresh and to preserve the taste. If you are unsure of the quality of the product, do not give it to your pet. Return the product to the retailer for a full refund or replacement product. This product is made from natural ingredients, the color may vary slightly.RECOMMENDED METHOD OF TRANSITION BEETWEEN FOODS
To ensure a smooth transition to the new feed, Vigor & Sage, mix the new with the old feed. Increase the amount gradually through 7 days until only the new feed is eaten.Composition | Ikan salmon segar (26.0%), daging ikan salmon kering (20.0%), kentang, kacang polong, lemak ayam, minyak ikan salmon, flaxseed, rumput laut (0.4%), daging buah bit (kadar gula diturunkan), ragi, akar lily (0.14%), coix seed (0.14%), akar angelica (0.14%), wortel, tomat, plum, lemon, mangga, Fructo-Oligosaccharides (FOS), yucca. |
Analytical constituents | Protein 30%, lemak 18%, abu 8%, serat 4.8%, kadar air 8%, fosfor 1.0%, kalsium 1.2%, taurine 0.12%, omega-3 1.0%, omega-6 2.6% Kandungan Nutrisi Tambahan : |
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Lily Root Beauty – Chat Adulte
from: € 8.71
La chair de saumon frais est un des aliments les plus sains du monde. Elle contient 13 vitamines et minéraux importants, dont l’omega-3. Elle participe à la diminution de la pression sanguine, du cholestérol et améliore la peau.
Saumon Frais & Algues Marines
La chair de saumon frais est un des aliments les plus sains du monde. Elle contient 13 vitamines et minéraux importants, dont l’omega-3. Elle participe à la diminution de la pression sanguine, du cholestérol et améliore la peau.
L’algue marine est souvent considérée comme un super aliment, car elle contient des vitamines importantes et des minéraux que presque aucun autre aliment ne possède. En particulier la vitamine K, l’iode, le calcium et le fer. Les bénéfices sont presque trop nombreux pour être tous cités : peau plus saine, amélioration de la vision, pression sanguine plus basse, mais aussi prévention des allergies et des infections.
Les autres ingrédients importants sont la graine de coix et la racine d’angélique. L’huile de la graine de coix nourrit les follicules pileux, mais comprend aussi des acides gras essentiels aux effets antiviraux. Tandis que la racine d’an gélique maintient une peau saine, améliore la circulation sanguine et favorise le métabolisme des cellules de la peau.
La racine de lys est une excellente source de vitamines bonnes pour la peau, la rendant plus brillante et saine tout en embellissant le pelage.
Notre combinaison spécialement étudiée, de poisson frais et de fruits soigneusement sélectionnés, de légumes et d’herbes offre une alimentation hautement nutritionnelle et goûteuse qui répond aux besoins naturels quotidiens de votre chat.
400g / 2kg / 4kg / 10kg
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fresh salmon
Without guts. Rich in Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids.
Contains essential amino acids that help to nourish the skin.
A rich source of vitamins.
Helps nourish the hair follicles. Contains essential fatty acids. Suppors the immune system.

Helps maintain healthy skin. Supports skin cell energy conversion.
- No Synthetic Colours
- No Synthetic Preservatives
- No Synthetic Flavours
This product provides complete and balanced nutrition for your pet. No additional grants are needed. The ideal amount of feed will vary depending on the pet's health, age, activity level, season and surroundings. Fresh water must always be available to the pet.STORAGE
Store in a cool, dry place. Close the seal after use to ensure that the food stays fresh and to preserve the taste. If you are unsure of the quality of the product, do not give it to your pet. Return the product to the retailer for a full refund or replacement product. This product is made from natural ingredients, the color may vary slightly.RECOMMENDED METHOD OF TRANSITION BEETWEEN FOODS
To ensure a smooth transition to the new feed, Vigor & Sage, mix the new with the old feed. Increase the amount gradually through 7 days until only the new feed is eaten.Composition | Chair fraîche de saumon (26.0%), saumon déshydraté (22.0%), pomme de terre, pois, graisse de poulet, huile de saumon, graine de lin, algue (0.4%), pulpe de betterave, levure de bière, racine de lys (0.14%), graine de coix (0.14%), racine d’angélique (0.14%), carotte, tomate, prune, citron, mangue, Fructo-Oligo-Saccharides (FOS), yucca. |
Analytical constituents | Protéine crue 30.0%, graisse crue 18.0%, cendre crue 8.0%, fibre crue 4.8%, phosphore 1.0%, calcium 1.2%, taurine 0.12%, acides gras omega-3 1.0%, acides gras omega-6 2.6%. Additifs Nutritionnels (par kg): |
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Корень лилии для красоты – Взрослые кошки
from: € 8.71
Свежее мясо лосося является одним из самых полезных продуктов питания в мире. Оно содержит 13 важных витаминов и минералов, а также Омега-3. Мясо лосося нормализует кровяное давление, снижает уровень холестерина и улучшает состояние кожи и шерсти.
Свежий лосось и морские водоросли
Морские водоросли часто рассматривается как “супер питание”, поскольку они содержат важные витамины и минералы, которых не найти ни в одном другом растении: Витамин К, йод, кальций и железо. Множество полезных свойств: оздоровление кожи, улучшение зрения, снижение кровяного давление, предотвращение аллергий и инфекций.
Корень лилии – источник витаминов, которые ухаживают за кожей, а так же способствуют росту блестящей, здоровой и красивой шерсти.
Другими важными компонентами являются семена бусенника и корень ангелики. Масло семян бусенника питает волосяные фолликулы, а также содержит основные жирные кислоты, обладающие противовирусным эффектом. Корень ангелики улучшает кровообращение и способствует метаболизму клеток кожи, что обеспечивает ее здоровье.
Наш целостный подход к оптимальному сочетанию свежего мяса и тщательно отобранных фруктов, овощей и трав обеспечивает высокое содержание питательных веществ и вкусовых качеств, которые необходимы для удовлетворения ежедневных естественных пищевых потребностей вашей кошки.
400 граммов, 2 кг, 4 кг, 10 кг
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fresh salmon
Without guts. Rich in Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids.
Contains essential amino acids that help to nourish the skin.
A rich source of vitamins.
Helps nourish the hair follicles. Contains essential fatty acids. Suppors the immune system.

Helps maintain healthy skin. Supports skin cell energy conversion.
- No Synthetic Colours
- No Synthetic Preservatives
- No Synthetic Flavours
This product provides complete and balanced nutrition for your pet. No additional grants are needed. The ideal amount of feed will vary depending on the pet's health, age, activity level, season and surroundings. Fresh water must always be available to the pet.STORAGE
Store in a cool, dry place. Close the seal after use to ensure that the food stays fresh and to preserve the taste. If you are unsure of the quality of the product, do not give it to your pet. Return the product to the retailer for a full refund or replacement product. This product is made from natural ingredients, the color may vary slightly.RECOMMENDED METHOD OF TRANSITION BEETWEEN FOODS
To ensure a smooth transition to the new feed, Vigor & Sage, mix the new with the old feed. Increase the amount gradually through 7 days until only the new feed is eaten.Composition | Свежее мясо лосося (26,0%), сушеное мясо лосося (20,0%), картофель, горох, куриный жир, масло лосося, семена льна, морские водоросли (0,4%), свекловичный жом, пекарские дрожжи, корень лилии (0,14%), семена бусенника (0,14%), корень ангелики (0,14%), морковь, томат, слива, лимон, манго, фруктоолигосахариды (ФОС), юкка. |
Analytical constituents | Белок 30,0%, жир 18,0%, зола 8,0% (в том числе кальций 1,2%, фосфор 1,0%, магний 0,03%), клетчатка 4,8%, влага 8.0 %, таурин 0,12%, жирная кислота Омега-3 1,0%, жирная кислота Омега-6 2,6%. Добавки (на кг): |
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