from: € 28.05
Женьшень для здоровья и долголетия – Для собак мелких пород
Свежая, постная курица без костей содержит высокое количества белка, стимулирует развитие мышц и помогает поддерживать здоровый вес тела.
Свежая курица и зеленый чай
Листья зеленого чая богаты на лечебные свойства, наполнены важными питательными веществами и антиоксидантами. Они способствует удалению вредоносных бактерий в полости рта, что обеспечивает свежее дыхание.
Рецепт питания также включает в себя женьшень, который укрепляет иммунную систему естественным образом, а также стимулирует физическое и психическое благополучие. Другие важные ингредиенты – пория кокосовидная и дикая хризантема. Пория обладает многими полезными свойствами: от питания кожи до улучшения пищеварения, а дикая хризантема содержит натуральные масла, полезные витамины и минеральные вещества.Наш целостный подход к оптимальному сочетанию свежего мяса и тщательно отобранных фруктов, овощей и трав обеспечивает высокое содержание питательных веществ и вкусовых качеств, которые необходимы для удовлетворения ежедневных естественных пищевых потребностей вашей собаки.
2 кг / 6 кг

fresh boneless chicken
Without bones, tistestines or skin. Easily digestible proteins.
Green Tea
Helps remove harmful bacteria In the mouth, improving oral hygiene and leading to fresher breath.
Supports the immune system. Helps reduce free radicals.
Supports the regulation of blood sugar. Traditionally used to support digestion and urinary tract.
wild Chrysanthemums
Rich in natural oils. Rich in vitamins and minerals.
- No Added Artificial Colours
- No Added Artificial Preservatives
- No Added Artificial Flavours
This product provides complete and balanced nutrition for your pet. No additional grants are needed. The ideal amount of feed will vary depending on the pet's health, age, activity level, season and surroundings. Fresh water must always be available to the pet.STORAGE
Store in a cool, dry place. Close the seal after use to ensure that the food stays fresh and to preserve the taste. If you are unsure of the quality of the product, do not give it to your pet. Return the product to the retailer for a full refund or replacement product. This product is made from natural ingredients, the color may vary slightly.RECOMMENDED METHOD OF TRANSITION BEETWEEN FOODS
To ensure a smooth transition to the new feed, Vigor & Sage, mix the new with the old feed. Increase the amount gradually through 7 days until only the new feed is eaten.Composition | Свежее куриное мускульное мясо (26,0%), сушеное куриное мясо (16,0%), сладкий картофель, картофель, горох, куриный жир, масло лосося, семена льна, зеленый чай (0,4%), свекловичный жом, пекарские дрожжи, женьшень (0,14%), пория (0,14%), дикая хризантема (0,14%), морковь, манго, томат, лимон, яблоко, фруктоолигосахариды (ФОС), юкка, глюкозамин, хондроитин сульфат. |
Analytical constituents | Белок 24,0%, жир 14,0%, зола 6,6% (в том числе кальций 1,3%, фосфор 1,1%, магний 0,03%), клетчатка 5,5%, влага 8.0% Пищевые добавки (на кг): |
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Ginseng Well-Being – Small Breed Adult Dog
from: € 28.05
Ayam segar, tanpa tulang, dan tanpa lemak dengan protein yang tinggi, membantu mendukung pertumbuhan otot dan menjaga berat badan ideal
Daging Ayam Segar & Teh Hijau
Teh hijau adalah salah satu daun yang paling sehat di dunia, penuh dengan nutrisi penting dan antioksidan. Membantu menghilangkan bakteri berbahaya di mulut, memperbaiki kebersihan gigi dan memberikan nafas segar.
Mengandung ginseng, yang membantu meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh secara alami, sekaligus mendukung kesehatan fisik dan mental. Bahan penting lainnya adalah poria dan bunga chrysanthemum liar. Poria memiliki banyak manfaat kesehatan mulai dari membantu menyehatkan kulit hingga membantu sistem pencernaan. Sementara chrysanthemum liar kaya akan minyak alami dan kaya vitamin & mineral bermanfaat.
Kombinasi holistik dari daging segar dengan herbal, sayuran, dan buah yang diseleksi secara ketat. Produk tinggi gizi dan lezat yang mencukupi kebutuhan nutrisi alami untuk anjing Anda.
2 kg / 6 kg
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fresh boneless chicken
Without bones, tistestines or skin. Easily digestible proteins.
Green Tea
Helps remove harmful bacteria In the mouth, improving oral hygiene and leading to fresher breath.
Supports the immune system. Helps reduce free radicals.
Supports the regulation of blood sugar. Traditionally used to support digestion and urinary tract.
wild Chrysanthemums
Rich in natural oils. Rich in vitamins and minerals.
- No Added Artificial Colours
- No Added Artificial Preservatives
- No Added Artificial Flavours
This product provides complete and balanced nutrition for your pet. No additional grants are needed. The ideal amount of feed will vary depending on the pet's health, age, activity level, season and surroundings. Fresh water must always be available to the pet.STORAGE
Store in a cool, dry place. Close the seal after use to ensure that the food stays fresh and to preserve the taste. If you are unsure of the quality of the product, do not give it to your pet. Return the product to the retailer for a full refund or replacement product. This product is made from natural ingredients, the color may vary slightly.RECOMMENDED METHOD OF TRANSITION BEETWEEN FOODS
To ensure a smooth transition to the new feed, Vigor & Sage, mix the new with the old feed. Increase the amount gradually through 7 days until only the new feed is eaten.Composition | Daging ayam segar (26.0%), daging ayam kering (16.0%), ubi, kentang, kacang polong, lemak ayam, minyak ikan salmon, linseed/flaxseed, teh hijau (0.4%), beet kering (tidak mengandung gula), ragi, ginseng (0.14%), poria (0.14%), bunga chrysanthemum liar (0.14%), wortel, mangga, tomat, lemon, apel, fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), tucca, glukosamin, chondroitin sulphate. |
Analytical constituents | Protein 24.0%, lemak 14.0%, abu 6.6%, serat 5.5%, kadar air 8.0%, fosfor 1.1%, kalsium 1.3%. Kandungan Nutrisi Tambahan (per kg) |
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Ginseng Well-Being – Chien Adulte de Petite Taille
from: € 28.05
Le poulet maigre frais et désossé est riche en protéines, stimule le développement de la musculation et aide à conserver un poids de forme.
Poulet Frais & Thé Vert
Le thé vert est une des feuilles les plus saines de la planète qui contient des nutriments importants et des antioxydants. Il est scientifiquement prouvé
que le thé vert augmente le brûlage de la graisse et stimule la performance. Il élimine également les bactéries nocives dans la gueule et améliore l’hygiène dentaire en offrant une meilleure haleine.
Cette recette comprend aussi du ginseng pour stimuler naturellement le système immunitaire ainsi que le bien-être physique et mental. D’autres ingrédients importants sont le pachyme et le chrysanthemum sauvage.
Le pachyme offre de nombreux bénéfices pour la santé, allant de propriétés nourrissantes pour la peau jusqu’à aider le système digestif.
Tandis que le chrysanthemum sauvage est riche en huiles naturelles et regorge de vitamines bénéfiques ainsi que de minéraux.
Notre combinaison spécialement étudiée, de viande fraîche et de fruits soigneusement sélectionnés, de légumes et d’herbes offre une alimentation hautement nutritionnelle et goûteuse qui répond aux besoins naturels quotidiens de votre chien.
2 kg / 6 kg
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fresh boneless chicken
Without bones, tistestines or skin. Easily digestible proteins.
Green Tea
Helps remove harmful bacteria In the mouth, improving oral hygiene and leading to fresher breath.
Supports the immune system. Helps reduce free radicals.
Supports the regulation of blood sugar. Traditionally used to support digestion and urinary tract.
wild Chrysanthemums
Rich in natural oils. Rich in vitamins and minerals.
- No Added Artificial Colours
- No Added Artificial Preservatives
- No Added Artificial Flavours
This product provides complete and balanced nutrition for your pet. No additional grants are needed. The ideal amount of feed will vary depending on the pet's health, age, activity level, season and surroundings. Fresh water must always be available to the pet.STORAGE
Store in a cool, dry place. Close the seal after use to ensure that the food stays fresh and to preserve the taste. If you are unsure of the quality of the product, do not give it to your pet. Return the product to the retailer for a full refund or replacement product. This product is made from natural ingredients, the color may vary slightly.RECOMMENDED METHOD OF TRANSITION BEETWEEN FOODS
To ensure a smooth transition to the new feed, Vigor & Sage, mix the new with the old feed. Increase the amount gradually through 7 days until only the new feed is eaten.Composition | Chair fraîche de poulet (26.0%), poulet déshydraté (16.0%), patate douce, pomme de terre, pois, graisse de poulet, huile de saumon, graine de lin, thé vert (0,4%), pulpe de betterave, levure de bière, ginseng (0.14%), pachyme (0.14%), chrysanthemum sauvage (0.14%), carotte, mangue, tomate, citron, pomme, Fructo- Oligo-Saccharides (FOS), yucca, glucosamine, sulfate de chondroïtine. |
Analytical constituents | Protéine crue 24.0%, graisse crue 14.0%, cendre crue 6.6%, fibre crue 5.5%, phosphore 1.1%, calcium 1.3%. Additifs nutritionnels (par kg): |
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